Calteq recognised with award as founder members of the Good Business Charter

Calteq is delighted to be recognised with an award for being a founder member of the Good Business Charter (GBC), an accreditation that seeks to raise the bar on business practices for employees, tax, the environment, customers and suppliers.

The Good Business Charter exists for all companies and charities with 10 employees or more across all industries and sectors and works through a simple online self-certification process. At a time when people are caring more about who they work for and who they buy from, the Good Business Charter offers a straightforward accreditation which recognises organisations which prioritise and care for their employees, the environment, customers and suppliers, whilst also paying their taxes according to the spirit of the law.  The GBC and its members seek to inspire many other businesses to follow suit. 

The Good Business Charter has the support of both the CBI and the TUC which both have trustee representation on its board. Other partners of the GBC include the Living Wage Foundation and the Prompt Payment Code. The GBC has been set up by a charity called the Good Business Foundation and accreditation will be free for all companies in the first year.

“We are thrilled to welcome Calteq as one our founding members of the Good Business Charter.  We want to congratulate them on being one of the first businesses to seize this opportunity to show that being a responsible business matters and that they are intentional about caring for their employees, customers, suppliers and the environment all whilst paying their taxes.”  

“As we seek to #BuildBackBetter, people are looking even more closely at who they work for and who they buy from. The value of receiving recognition for being a responsible business has never been higher. We hope the commitment will inspire others to follow Calteq’s lead.” Jenny Herrera, CEO, Good Business Foundation

Commenting on the recognition Calteq’s Chief Operating Officer, Nigel Willetts said: “Good business practice is at the heart of Calteq from the way we work with our suppliers and customers to how we look after our most important asset, our colleagues and this is more important than ever amidst such uncertain times. It is for this reason that we are delighted to have been recognised as founder members of The Good Business Charter.