A Buyer’s Guide to Inbuilding Cellular Solutions

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The structure of many commercial buildings means that it’s often a challenge get a reliable network signal throughout. This causes huge frustration to those that own and use these buildings and can have a large impact on productivity. With many buildings operating at reduced capacity over the past 18 months many may have not seen it as a priority. But as we approach the full lifting of lockdown restrictions many will return to their traditional workspaces and be affected by poor cellular signal once again.

We have put together this handy inbuilding cellular solutions buyer’s guide to take you through the process

What is an in-building cellular solution?

An in-building cellular solution is a network of small antenna installed throughout a building which takes the signal directly from the carrier or via a donor antenna on site. It offers a cost-efficient and easy solution to improving mobile signal coverage, eliminating dead zones and dropped calls to provide clear and reliable connections throughout the chosen location.

In Building Cellular Solutions

What are the top considerations when procuring an inbuilding cellular solution?

Assess your needs

What issues are you experiencing when it comes to poor cellular connectivity in your building? Is it a particular area that needs addressing or is it building-wide? In-building cellular solutions work well in any location, small or large but particularly those that are highly populated such as hospitals, shopping centres, educational institutions and office blocks.

Inbuilding cellular expertise

The installation of inbuilding cellular solutions is a specialist skill so select your supplier carefully. You should look for a provider who is able to manage each part of the implementation programme from strategic planning and design to procurement, project management, testing, training and documentation. Health and safety are essential and should be a priority for your provider so make sure this is the case.  

Finally, look to establish a close working relationship with your provider to ensure that the project runs smoothly.

What is the typical implementation process for an inbuilding cellular solution?

The implementation plan and timeline is dictated by the size of the project and each case is different. In any installation there should be a strong emphasis on safety compliance and quality of workmanship. It should be based on a robust methodology to ensure successful execution.

This methodology should include:

  • a detailed plan
  • network map
  • clearly defined objectives
  • recommended roll-out

You should allow for risk assessments to be carried out during the initial stages of a project and if requested can be submitted along with method statements and supporting documentation.

What benefits will be derived from implementing your inbuilding cellular solution?

Better mobile signal

First and foremost an inbuilding cellular solution will ensure reliable connectivity and improve productivity all mobile users of that building whether they’re guests or employees. With an inbuilding cellular solution dropped calls will be a thing of the past. 

Futureproof your building

There is now a strong expectation level to have access to uninterrupted cellular connectivity. It is fundamental to the way we live and work. Having reliable cellular connectivity will ensure your building or workplace is prepared for the future and the likes of IoT, 5G, VR/AR. Consequently, equipping your building with inbuilding cellular capabilities puts your business in a much stronger position moving forward.

Increase building occupancy

Having reliable cellular connectivity is essential and can be an important way to drive more footfall, occupancy levels and general usage of the building. This is particularly important for shopping centres, hospitals and entertainment venues.

Would you like to find out more about Inbuilding Cellular Solutions? Contact us today to find out more via hello@calteq.co.uk